Monday, June 10, 2013


Awhile back I ordered strawberries from Stark Bro's nurseries, and had it in my head to build them a raised bed. I'm quite running out of room to grow all the things I want to grow, and raised beds are the perfect solution!

When I realized my berries would be here by last wednesday, I had to put that bed together quick! Josh and I headed to Home Depot with a quick sketch I had done of what I wanted. 

* Two 8ft by 2ft boards
* Wire
*Two pieces of framing wood
* Staple Gun
* Nails
* Hinges
* Plywood

I cut the 8ft boards to 6 feet, and used the remaining pieces to make the sides. Plywood makes up the bottom. I framed out the top after I painted the pieces white. I like pretty!
They were also 8ft long and I did the same thing of cutting them to 6ft and using the 2 ft left overs for the sides. 
I wish my instructions were a bit more technical. I really just kinda make things up as I go along. It's a lot of trial and error, and of course the right size board! My Ryobi power drill is probably my most favorite thing. 
Looking closing you can see where things aren't perfectly aligned. I'm no master carpenter! But it works for me =)

I used the staple gun to get the wire onto the frame, and regular door hinges to attach it to the bed. We have birds and squirrels in the area who I know would just LOVE to get into those berries. 

I filled the bed with potting soil, compost, and chicken manure. The strawberry roots arrived looking VERY STRANGE to a rookie gardener. They were just the root with a little nubbin on top! I had to soak them in water for about 3 hours and then I planted and prayed. This is about 5 days later, and leaves have sprouted! 

Of course I wanted things to be pretty. So in addition to painting the lid frame white, I ordered a strawberry cabinet knob offline. I know, it's totally silly. It needed a little touch of me though!

Yay berries!

You know what else would be great?! If you followed this blog! =)

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