About Me

I'm a California girl, born and raised. 
I'm going to school for Psychology and I'm not in any particular rush. 
I have a super close, super amazing family. My parents have been together for 27 years, and my little sisters are all sorts of awesome.

I met my wonderful boyfriend Josh at Country in the Park and we've been together ever since.
Living with Josh and our pets is blissful. It's so nice to come home to my little family!
Our dog is a German Shepherd puppy, Daegan. He's a naughty little thing. 
I rescued my cat Kinyan when she was just 4 weeks old. She's 6 now and hates the dog. 

Giants baseball makes me happy =)
Nothing better than seeds, a hot dog, and cheering on the home team!

I LOVE to read all sorts of books and play in my garden.
Taking hikes and trying new crafts are the bees knees.

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